Splendid Gasteropode, pertaining to the order of the Monotocardi, family of the Cypreidi; endemic in the Indian ocean.
Extremely characteristic for the shape of its shell, it polishes and colored and from the livery similar to the cape of one tiger, of variable color from the white man to the dark brown with over small it heads black and irregular.
Over the foot, locomotore muscular organ, introduces a large head, with two long tentacles, thin and draws near to you, to whose base the eyes and the sifone are found.
A cutaneous fold hardly over the foot, said cape, is increased from ambo sides and it is raised so as to to cover for entire the limestone shell, proteggendola from it hits and from the damages; from the cape a large one is raised quantit of hangs to us tactile to shape to tentacolare, much sensitive.
In carefullied lay down nature alive on the Reef, muovendosi between cliffs, however always in places little illuminate or decidedly oxen to you; extremely lively the muscoloso foot is moved continually muovendo.
In nature the C. Tigris nutre of small Crustaceans, Poriferi, Celenterati and Antozoi that hunting incessantly.
Easy to raise in Aquarius, it is for the feeding, it is for the relative one insensibilit to the characteristics chemical-physical of the atmosphere places of the problems single as far as the connection with the other invertebrates which could end with becoming its prede.
In dept freeze nourished Aquarius v with mangime, artemie and chironomus, or with small pieces of polpa of cozze or fish.
As far as the chemical values of the water, this must very be filtered, be aereata and deprives of nitrites and nitrates.
Regular changes of the water with sifonature of the bottom and added of oligoelements and balanced bioelementi are advisable.
For all these reasons could be raised also in the Aquarius of invertebrates of the acquariofilo principiante.
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