


Inimicus Didactylus or Pescatrice frog of the alghe

Latin name
Inimicus Didactylus
Common name
Pescatrice frog of the alghe
Principle 20 cm. in Aquarius until 15 cm.
Values of the water
Temp. 26/30 Densit 1018/1022 PH 8.4

Strangest fish, pertaining to the family of the Scorpenidi, coming from from the Australian Hindu archipelago, Sri Lanka, the Great Coralline Barrier; much colorful, sturdy how much its similari, relatively sociable, adapted to the cohabitation with nearly all the other fish of barrier, purch of large ransom, and with its similar.
Sturdy body, dominated from the large endowed head of a large articulated mouth, the fins, many frastagliate, makes it to be similar to a gomitolo of alghe, the ventral ones are modified and seem of the small zampine; livery much colorful and striking, on a dark orange red bottom, one moltitidine of camouflage spots of color yellow.

Much difficult one to acclimatize, would be always advisable to acquire exemplary gi perfectly acclimatizes to you; once very acclimatized it eats voracemente but nearly exclusively pesciolini it deeps freeze to you.

Characteristic particular are that sovente insabbia leaving to only sporgere the eyes and the mouth, and that it walks on the bottom with the aid of the fins chest straps, waves the frog name.
It does not need of a large bathtub, in how much it swims least, gladly preferring to stretch its ambushes on the bottom of the Aquarius or near a bench of alghe.

Relatively little resistant to the diseases, it suffers for the excessive values from nitrates and phosphates, are therefore advisable frequent and abundant partial changes with sifonatura of the bottom, treatments with ozone and regular additions of oligoelements and vitamins.
Not adapted to the Aquarius with fish of small ransom or invertebrates in how much if it feeds some gladly; not adapted to a bathtub of a neophyte the first crews.


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