Large Antozoo colonial, pertaining to the order of the Madreporari or Sclerattinie, family of the Caryophyllide; endemic in the Red Mar, the Indian ocean and the Pacific ocean, Mautitius islands, Samoa, Timor.
The colony, formed in kind from many large ones polipi, so joined to seem an only body, and that single oral openings are only distinguished for they, equipped of one limestone skeleton to shape of pillow or low and wide pyramid; it is usually developed on a full of rocks or ciottoloso substrate.
The limestone skeleton generally introduces numerous green, turchese or blue handles costolate, on which the polipi are berthed, of color, the variable color for the quantit of alghe simbionti of the species of the Zooxantelle, devout or little present in the cenosarco and the tentacles.
Of night, in position of rest, from the cenosarco carnoso numerous tentacles, long are risen until to 4/5 cm. rendering the individual much similar to one sea anemone.
The tentacles turn out are many urticanti that much adhesive in how much driven in they are covered from is cnidociti adhesive: spirocisti, from are cnidociti urticanti: nematocisti; in figure a tentacle a lot magnified with obvious cnidociti activated.
In situation of normal lighting system, instead, the carnosi tentacles swell enormously assuming the shape of small wineskins or bubbles, waves the common name, exposing how much devout woven possible one to the light, in order to favor the contained photosynthesis of the Zooxantelle in it.
Sturdy Antozoo much and resistant one, prefer to be placed in the bathtub in correspondence of one water current of intensit variable, of night, such to make to too much move sweetly the tentacles when they are estroflessi, of day, nearly null in order not strapazzarli; it has need, moreover, of one intense lighting system, preferibilmente with light of cold coloration, 10,000 K and beyond, obtained with linear fluorescent lamps or lamps HQI.
It needs, obviously, of water filtered and oxygenated, very poor of nitrogenous substances and phosphates; they are advises to you you attend water changes with sifonatura of the bottom and regular added of Soccer, Strontium, oligoelements and bioelementi.
It goes nourished with plancton frozen-dry made to recover some minute in water, preferibilmente the same one of the Aquarius, or better, dept freeze, to spuzzare with an appropriate syringe in the pressed ones of the colony; if the much large colony of P. Sinuosa pu to be nourished also with pezzetti of polpa of cozza or brandelli of fish supports to you delicately on the tentacles before extinguishing the lights.
Belonging to the order of the Madreporari subject to limitation in the import, it needs in fact of a certificate C.I.T.E.S., but for its robustness and the facilit of the advisable breeding however also for acquariofilo to its first experiences with the barrier Aquarius.
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