GUPPY (reticulata Poecilia)
Of this species many variet colorful exist, and in practical two individuals do not exist that are color to you exactly in the same way. The coloration of the female of this fish, famous also like Guppy or Pesce the million, much less showy one than that one of the male, even if its tail in some cases pu to be enough variopinta. The tail fin pu to introduce shapes to veil, fan or tip. The pregnant females have need of bathtubs supplied of abundant vegetation, than to serve also protect the new ones been born from the predazione from part of the parents.
Spread: Trinidad
Dimensions: 3-4 cm
Dimorfismo: sexual the males are supplies of gonopodio; the females devout large and less are colored
Feeding: All the types of food, also of origin vegetable
Breeding: Easy
Type of Vivipara reproduction
prolific species; necessary rich bathtubs of aquatic plants
Reproduction in Easy Aquarius;
No Situated Store or to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts:
Temperature 24
Motilit All the levels of the bathtub
Water Medium hardness values